Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 151 - Home Instruction

Hello, May | Quotes About Spring in Bloom

May 1st

Join our google meet at 10am!
  • Spelling Unit 29 Test 
Work to be checked: (Optional)
  • Grammar - WB p. 60
  • Phonics - WB p. 171-172

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 156-157. "I'd Like To Be a LightHouse" This is the last page we will do in handwriting this year! Does it look familiar? Please copy the poem in your best cursive handwriting. When you are finished, go back to the poem at the beginning of your book and compare your writing! 

Phonics: IXL Review - Please use IXL Language Arts for at least 20 minutes today. I have starred new topics for you to work on. The topics all have to do with suffixes. You do not need to achieve a "100" on each star.

Spelling: Unit 29 Test on our meet!

*Please turn off spell check BEFORE our meet tomorrow. Directions to turn off spell check have been posted in google classroom. Students may turn spell check back on after the test. 

Math: Division Fact Review
  • Find your assignment on google classroom - "Space Mystery Reveal"
    • There are 5 challenges to complete in order to finish the message. Once a challenge is complete, go to the next one at the bottom of the screen.
  • Remember your answers need to go in "Column B." If you accidentally put them in "Column A," your problem will disappear and the reveal will not work. 
    • If you erase a problem, click "out" of the box, and click "undo" until it reappears. 
When you are finished, you can go on ABCya and play math games if you'd like!

Reading: We will continue with Charlotte's Web on Monday. Please complete any pages you missed in the novel study on google classroom.

Science: How Plants Live and Grow Test - Your test is posted on google classroom. The form has everything you need to complete the test.

*You may only submit one quiz, so double check all of your answers before you hit submit!

Social Studies: Scholastic News - "This Dog Saves Lives" - This magazine should be in your science folder. Read the paper magazine, or listen along to the magazine online. To listen, open the presentation view of the magazine. Complete the back and watch the videos!

Our classroom password is: sts3rdgrade

Religion: May is the month of our Blessed Mother, Mary. Please pray 1 decade of the rosary today.
  • 1 Our Father 
  • 10 Hail Marys 
  • 1 Glory Be
  • 1 Fatima Prayer - "Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins..." 

Spanish: Please check Senora Decker's blog for your assignment.

Computers: Please check Mrs. Hall's blog for your assignment. 

All finished and looking for more..?

IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!
Take a "virtual" field trip!
Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 150 - Home Instruction

goodbye april | Tumblr

April 30th

Join our google meet at 10am!
  • Science - How Plants Live and Grow Study Guide
  • Grammar - Lesson 4.5
  • Math - Chapter 7 Quiz - I will be going over what your quiz is. 
Work to be checked: (Optional)
  • Grammar - WB p. 59
  • Spelling - WB p. 190-191
  • Phonics - WB p. 169-170

I will have an office hour on Google Meet from 1-2pm for Math.
*I cannot do the math quiz with you, but I can answer questions like I would in the classroom.*

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 152-153. We are skipping some pages, so double check that you are on p. 152 before you begin. These pages will have you practicing how quickly you can write in cursive. You will copy the saying 4 times. Try to write faster each time, but remember to keep your writing neat too! Complete the "My Evaluation" at the bottom of p. 153. Have a parent evaluate you in the second column.

Phonics: WB p. 171-172

Spelling: Unit 29 2x each. Please type your words 2x each in a google doc and share it with me. We will have our spelling test tomorrow on our meet.

*Please turn off spell check BEFORE our meet tomorrow. Directions to turn off spell check have been posted in google classroom. Students may turn spell check back on after the test. 

Math: Chapter 7 Quiz - We will go over the directions for the quiz on our meet.

***Update: The quiz paper is posted as a separate file on google classroom. You will need to view this file to see the questions.

Use "Math Chapter 7 Quiz" on google classroom to fill out the form and submit your quiz.

*You can only submit one quiz, so complete your quiz on the paper first so you are sure of your answers.

Reading: Finish the chapter 6-7 pages for Charlotte's Web on google classroom. The page numbers at the bottom are 10-12 (the slides are numbered 11-13.) This work is due by the end of the day. 
  • For the last page, you can use your chromebook to look up the definitions, 1 synonym, and 1 antonym for each word. 
    • Synonyms - similar or almost the same meaning 
    • Antonym - opposite meaning 

Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

Lesson 4.5 - Regular and Irregular Verbs
  • Complete WB p. 60

Science: How Plants Live and Grow

We will work on the study guide together on google meet. To prepare for your test, here is a link to the Kahoot I made. This Kahoot will only be available until the end of the day!

*Students will take their science test tomorrow with a google form.

Religion: We will start Chapter 23 on Monday. Check out this link for songs praising Jesus. I think you will enjoy them. We will need to share these with Sister Theresa when we are together again! :)
*You did not need to listen to all of the songs. The link is very long! 

Gym: P.E. with Joe. Joe live streams PE classes every morning Monday - Friday at 9am. This is yesterday's live stream.

All finished and looking for more..?

IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!
Take a "virtual" field trip!
Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Day 149 - Home Instruction

Heaven's Light 13765932 by StockProject1 on DeviantArt
Please say a special prayer for the Walker family today.

April 29th

Join our google meet at 10am!
  • Grammar - Going over directions for WB p. 59
  • Religion - p. 258 
  • Reading - Charlotte's Web Chapters 6 and 7
Work to be checked: (Optional)
  • Math - WB p. 82 
  • Grammar - WB p. 58
  • Spelling - WB p. 188-189

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 142-143 Copy the letter in cursive. Be sure to write neatly!

Phonics: WB p. 169-170 

Spelling: Unit 29 p. 190-191. Spelling test on Friday. I will post the directions to turn off spell check tomorrow. 

Math: Graph Review - Please use IXL for at least 20 minutes today. I have starred graphing topics under the math section. You do not need to achieve a "100" on each star.
*You will have a quiz tomorrow that I will go over with you on google meet tomorrow. 

*Students will need a ruler by May 4th.

Reading: We will read chapters 6-7 in Charlotte's Web together on our meet. Complete the chapter 6-7 pages on google classroom. The page numbers at the bottom are 10-12 (the slides are numbered 11-13.) This work is due by the end of the day tomorrow. 
  • For the last page, you can use your chromebook to look up the definitions, 1 synonym, and 1 antonym for each word. 
    • Synonyms - similar or almost the same meaning 
    • Antonym - opposite meaning 

Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

Lesson 4.4 - Principal Parts of Verbs. 
  • Complete WB p. 59 

Science: How Plants Live and Grow
  • In your science packet, complete p. 5 for lesson 3. Use your textbook if you are unsure of an answer. (p. A20-A25) 

Religion: Chapter 22 - Complete p. 258. We will work on this together in our meet.

Gym: P.E. with Joe. Joe live streams PE classes every morning Monday - Friday at 9am. This is yesterday's live stream.

All finished and looking for more..?

IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!
Take a "virtual" field trip!
Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Monday, April 27, 2020

Day 148 - Home Instruction

Why It's Called an 'Equinox' and Other Spring Words You Should ...

April 28th

Join our google meet at 10am!
  • Phonics - WB p. 167-168 
  • Grammar - Lesson 4.4
Work to be checked: (Optional)
  • Phonics - WB p. 165-166
  • Math - TB p. 235 - You just need your notebook
  • Grammar - WB p. 57 
  • Spelling - WB p. 186-187

I will have an office hour on Google Meet from 1-2pm today for Language Arts. 

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 140-141 "Manuscript Maintenance" Please copy both passages in your best PRINT! No cursive today!

Phonics: WB p. 167-168 - We will work on these pages together on our meet. 

Spelling: Unit 29 p. 188-189

Math: Chapter 7 Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots

Lesson 7.5 - Line Plots 
  • WB p. 82
    • For #1 - They are telling you that each "X" = 2. You will beed to count by 2s for this one. 
  • Remember: 
    • Mode - has the most Xs (there can be more than 1 answer)
    • Range - greatest number minus the least number 
*Students will need a ruler by May 4th.

Reading: Finish reading chapters 4 and 5 in Charlotte's Web. Finish the chapter 4-5 pages on google classroom. The page numbers at the bottom are 7-9 (the slides are numbered 8-10.) This work is due by the end of the day. 

*If you would rather listen to the story, follow the links to listen along! 

Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

Lesson 4.4 - Principal Parts of Verbs 
  • We will discuss notes and complete the exercises on google meet. 
  • Complete WB p. 58 - We will start this together. 

Science: How Plants Live and Grow

Finish reading p. A20-A25 in your science textbook.

You will need p. 2 (the first page) from your science packet for your assignment.
  • "How Plants Live and Grow" - Google classroom. Please use this file to complete your work.
    • Use your textbook to type the definitions for seed coat, seed leaf, life cycle, germinate, and seedling.  
    • Use p. 2 of your packet for the Lesson 3 questions. Please type your answers in complete sentences.

Religion: Chapter 22 - Complete p. 256-257. You did not need to complete the "Take Home" section on p. 257.

Music: Here is another Youtube playlist of Disney songs. These videos are clips from movies with the lyrics for you to sing along to. The Goofy Movie songs are my favorite! 

All finished and looking for more..?

IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!
Take a "virtual" field trip!
Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 147 - Home Instruction

Monday Quotes | Monday Sayings | Monday Picture Quotes

April 27th

Join our google meet at 10am!
  • Religion - Please have your book ready. 
  • Math - Please have your textbook ready and notes taped into your notebook. Students will finish math independently after our meet.

Work to be checked: (Optional)
  • Phonics - WB p. 163-164
  • Math - WB p. 79
  • Grammar - WB p. 56 and 4.3 exercises in your notebook
  • Science - Packet, Lesson 2

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

*Parents, please check Google Classroom for an update on our remote learning.*

Handwriting: WB p. 138-139
  • p. 138 - Copy the healthy eating tips in cursive. 
  • p. 139 - Finish the letter in cursive. Be sure to include a name at the top! 

Phonics: WB p. 165-166

Spelling: Unit 29 p. 186-187

Math: Chapter 7 Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots

Lesson 7.5 - Line Plots 
  • Tape lesson "7.5 Line Plots" notes on the next page in your notebook. We will be adding to these notes during our google meet. 
  • Textbook p. 234 - We will go over this together on google meet. 
  •  Complete textbook p. 235 #1-9. Watch my educreations video for #1 and #5. 
*Students will need a ruler by May 4th.

Reading: Read chapters 4 and 5 in Charlotte's Web. Complete the chapter 4-5 pages on google classroom. The page numbers at the bottom are 7-9 (the slides are numbered 8-10.) This work is due by the end of the day tomorrow.

*If you would rather listen to the story, follow the links to listen along! 

Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

Lesson 4.3 - Helping Verbs - Watch the following video on helping verbs. The beginning of this video is shoutouts to kids, so you can skip to 1:24 on the video. This is a longer one, so you may have a brief ad while watching.
  • Complete WB p. 57 

Science: How Plants Live and Grow

Read p. A20-A25 in your science textbook. Lesson 3 is a little bit longer. This work is due tomorrow.

You will need p. 2 (the first page) from your science packet for your assignment.
  • "How Plants Live and Grow" - Google classroom. Please use this file to complete your work.
    • Use your textbook to type the definitions for seed coat, seed leaf, life cycle, germinate, and seedling.  
    • Use p. 2 of your packet for the Lesson 3 questions. Please type your answers in complete sentences.

Religion: Chapter 22 - We will discuss our religion lesson together on google meet.

Art: Please check Mrs. Viggiano's blog.

All finished and looking for more..?

IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!
Take a "virtual" field trip!
Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 146 - Home Instruction

May we all Florida Georgia Line framed wood sign | Etsy

April 24th

Join our Google Meet at 10am!
We will take our spelling test today!
Please have the M&M graphing sheet ready for after our test. We will start this together. If there is time, we will check some of our work.
  • Google Classroom will now have a Google Meet icon for you to join our session. Under Classwork, there will be a "Meet" button for you to join. This button will be available just a few minutes before our meeting begins. 

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 136-137
  • p. 136 - Copy the book review in cursive. 
  • p. 137 
    • Write the alphabet in cursive. See how many letters you can do without looking back, but of course look back if you need to! 
    • Copy the song titles in cursive. You should include the quotation marks ".  

Spelling: Unit 28 test on google meet. We will consider this test a practice because it will be our first virtual test. The test will be completed with a google form.

Math: Reviewing Pictographs and Bar Graphs
  • M&M Graphing - This worksheet should be in your math folder. Please have it when we meet today. We will start the worksheet together.
*Students will need a ruler by May 4th.

Reading: Finish the chapter 3 pages in the Charlotte's Web Novel Study. The page numbers at the bottom are 4-6 (the slides are numbered 5-7.) This work is due by the end of the day.
  • "Charlotte's Web Novel Study" is a digital file under Classwork on google classroom. Please type your answers for me to check. *You do not need to illustrate the vocabulary words. 

Grammar: ABCya - Play the following verb game.

Science: How Plants Live and Grow
  • In your science packet, complete p. 4 for lesson 2. Use your textbook if you are unsure of an answer. (p. A14-A17)
*If you did not complete the google doc for lesson 2 yesterday, please finish the vocabulary and questions. The file can be found in google classroom.

Religion: Pray one decade of the rosary today.
  • 1 Our Father 
  • 10 Hail Marys 
  • 1 Glory Be
  • 1 Fatima Prayer - "Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins..." 

Spanish: Please check Senora Decker's blog for your assignment.

Computers: Please check Mrs. Hall's blog for your assignment. 
***Children's Book Emoji Pictionary!***
This activity is posted on google classroom. Try to guess all the books! I will post the answers at noon!
Thank you Mrs. Yudoff for sharing this fun activity! :) 

All finished and looking for more..?

Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

Read a book of your choice!

Take a "virtual" field trip!

Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 145 - Home Instruction

Wallpaper Chrysanthemum and white flowers, blue background ...

April 23rd

Join our Google Meet at 10am!
Please have yesterday's spelling, math, and grammar completed and ready to check. We will also be reading Charlotte's Web together today.
  • Google Classroom will now have a Google Meet icon for you to join our session. Under Classwork, there will be a "Meet" button for you to join. This button will be available just a few minutes before our meeting begins. 

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 134-135. These pages are review and practice of letters G, S, L, P, B, and R. Use the boxes at the top of p. 127-132 if you need a reminder of how to form the letters.

Phonics: WB p. 163-164

Spelling: Unit 28 ABC order. You only have to type each word one time. Please type and send in a google doc. Unit 28 test tomorrow.

*We will have our Unit 28 test tomorrow during our google meet session. We will consider this test a practice because it will be our first virtual test. The test will be completed with a google form. Please let me know if you are unable to make Friday's session.

Math: Chapter 7 - Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots

Lesson 7.2 - Bar Graphs - Watch this video from Khan Academy about reading bar graphs.
  • WB p. 79 
    • When creating your bar graph, count by 2s going up the side of your graph.
    *Students will need a ruler by May 4th.

    Reading: We will read chapter 3 of Charlotte's web together on google meet. Complete the chapter 3 pages in the Charlotte's Web Novel Study. The page numbers at the bottom are 4-6 (the slides are numbered 5-7.) This work will be due by the end of the day tomorrow. You do not need to finish the pages today.
    • "Charlotte's Web Novel Study" is a digital file under Classwork on google classroom. Please type your answers for me to check. *You do not need to illustrate the vocabulary words. 
    * I checked and commented on the chapter 1-2 pages. 

    Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

    Lesson 4.3 Helping Verbs - Notes for this chapter can be found in your notebook.
    • Finish exercises 1 and 2 in your notebook.  
    • Complete WB p. 56

    Science: How Plants Live and Grow

    Read p. A14-A17 in your science textbook.

    You will need p. 2 (the first page) from your science packet for your assignment.
    • "How Plants Live and Grow" is under Classwork in google classroom. Please use this file to complete your work.
      • Use your textbook to type the definitions for petal, pollen, and pollinate. 
      • Use p. 2 of your packet for the Lesson 2 questions. Please type your answers in complete sentences. 
    *I returned and commented on the Earth Day assignments. If you need to finish slides, please do that today. 

    Religion: Complete p. 312. For the disciple challenge at the bottom, they are asking about the story you read on pages 308 and 309. You do not need to complete the "Take Home"section.

    Gym: P.E. with Joe. Joe live streams PE classes every morning Monday - Friday at 9am. This is yesterday's live stream.

    All finished and looking for more..?

    Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
    IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

    Read a book of your choice!

    Take a "virtual" field trip!

    Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

    Image result for work hard have fun

    Remind Class Code: b7hcce
    Scholastic Code: PQYZH

    Love and Prayers,

    Ms. Muller

    Tuesday, April 21, 2020

    Day 144 - Home Instruction

    Happy Earth Day Text Sign On Beautiful Lilac And Daisy Flowers ...

    April 22nd

    Earth Day Statement from Mayor Alex Morse | City of Holyoke

    Join our Google Meet at 10am!
    Please have yesterday's phonics, spelling, math, grammar, and science worksheet completed and ready to check. 
    • Google Classroom will now have a Google Meet icon for you to join our session. Under Classwork, there will be a "Meet" button for you to join. This button will be available just a few minutes before our meeting begins. 

    Please submit your attendance for the day. 
    Thank you!

    Handwriting: WB p. 132-133

    Phonics: WB p. 161-162

    Spelling: Unit 28 WB p. 184-185

    *We will have our Unit 28 test on Friday during our google meet session. We will consider this test a practice because it will be our first virtual test. The test will be completed with a google form. Please let me know if you are unable to make Friday's session.

    Math: Chapter 7 - Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots

    Lesson 7.2 - Bar Graphs
    • Read textbook p. 228 
      • Tape lesson "7.2 Bar Graphs" notes on the next page in your notebook. You might need to color in the bar for Art. I think the color was too light when it copied. 
        • The notes for this lesson can be found in your math folder. 
      • Find the blank bar graph paper in your math folder. It is only a half sheet of paper. 
        • We will use this for #1 in our textbook.
    *Students will need a ruler by May 4th.

    Reading: We will continue with Charlotte's Web tomorrow. I want you to focus on your Earth Day assignment today.

    Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

    Lesson 4.2 Being Verbs - More on being verbs. Watch this video to help you on the next page. The two girls at the end of the video will teach you a song to help you remember the being verbs.
    • Complete WB p. 55

    Science: Happy Earth Day!

    Complete the Earth Day assignment in google classroom. You will watch a video, answer some questions, and do some writing about the earth.

    *We will continue with our science chapter tomorrow.

    Religion: Read p. 310 and complete the question box. Read p. 311. If you can, do the prayer together as a family and read different parts.

    *We will be going back to the skipped chapters next week.

    Gym: P.E. with Joe. Joe live streams PE classes every morning Monday - Friday at 9am. This is yesterday's live stream.

    All finished and looking for more..?

    Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
    IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

    Read a book of your choice!

    Take a "virtual" field trip!

    Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

    Image result for work hard have fun

    Remind Class Code: b7hcce
    Scholastic Code: PQYZH

    Love and Prayers,

    Ms. Muller

    Monday, April 20, 2020

    Day 143 - Home Instruction

    The Paw Print | April Showers

    April 21st

    Join our Google Meet at 10am!
    Please have yesterday's phonics, spelling, math, and grammar completed and ready to check. 
    • Google Classroom will now have a Google Meet icon for you to join our session. Under Classwork, there will be a "Meet" button for you to join. This button will be available just a few minutes before our meeting begins. 

    Please submit your attendance for the day. 
    Thank you!

    Handwriting: WB p. 130-131

    Phonics: WB p. 159-160

    Spelling: Unit 28 WB p. 182-183

    Math: Chapter 7 - Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots

    Lesson 7.1 - Pictographs
    • WB p. 78 
      • For #2 - Make sure to include a title at the top! Use the information from #1 to make a title. 
        • For your key, you can use any picture, but it has to equal 2 balloons. For example:
          • ❤ = 2 balloons 
          • 😀 = 2 balloons
    *Students will need a ruler by May 4th. 

    Reading: Finish chapters 1-2 of Charlotte's Web. Finish p. 2-4 in the Charlotte's Web Novel Study. This work is due by the end of the day.
    • "Charlotte's Web Novel Study" is a digital file under Classwork on google classroom. Please type your answers for me to check. *You do not need to illustrate the vocabulary words. 

    Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

    Lesson 4.2 Being Verbs - Notes for this chapter can be found in your notebook.
    • In your notebook, read the notes for lesson 4.2 and complete exercise 1 and 2. The directions and examples are in your notebook. 
    • Complete WB p. 54

    Science: How Plants Live and Grow

    • In your science packet, complete p. 3 for lesson 1. Use your textbook if you are unsure of an answer. (p. A8-A11)
    *If you did not complete the google doc for lesson 1 yesterday, please finish the vocabulary and questions. The file can be found in google classroom. 

    Religion: We continue to celebrate the Easter season for 50 days after Jesus' Resurrection. In your religion book, read p. 307 -309.

    *We will be going back to the skipped chapters next week.

    Music: Did you have a chance to watch "The Disney Family Singalong" on ABC last week? It was great! I really enjoyed it. :) Here is a playlist of the videos if you missed it or want to watch them again!

    All finished and looking for more..?

    Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
    IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

    Read a book of your choice!

    Take a "virtual" field trip!

    Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

    Image result for work hard have fun

    Remind Class Code: b7hcce
    Scholastic Code: PQYZH

    Love and Prayers,

    Ms. Muller

    Sunday, April 19, 2020

    Day 142 - Home Instruction

    Greeting card with inscription Welcome back. Old vintage ribbon ...

    April 20th

    I hope everyone had a great week away from school work! Keep up the great work as we continue home instruction.

    We will have a google meet tomorrow at 10am!
    We will be checking phonics, spelling, math, and grammar. Please have your work completed and ready to check.

    Please submit your attendance for the day. 
    Thank you!

    Handwriting: WB p. 128-129.

    Phonics: WB p. 157-158

    Spelling: Unit 28 WB p. 180-181 - We will check this on google meet.

    Math: Chapter 7 - Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots

    Lesson 7.1 - Pictographs
    • Read textbook p. 226 
    • Fold down the next clean page in your math notebook and label it "Chapter 7"
    • Tape in lesson "7.1 Pictographs" notes on the next page. 
      • The notes for this lesson can be found in your math folder. 
    • Complete textbook p. 227 #1-8 on the next page in your notebook. *Watch my educreations video for #1-3.

    *Students will need a ruler by May 4th. 

    Reading: Read chapters 1-2 of Charlotte's Web. Complete p. 2-4 in the Charlotte's Web Novel Study. This work will be due by the end of the day on Tuesday. You do not need to finish the pages today.
    • "Charlotte's Web Novel Study" is a digital file under Classwork on google classroom. Please type your answers for me to check. *You do not need to illustrate the vocabulary words. 

    Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

    Lesson 4.1 Action Verbs - Notes for this chapter can be found in your notebook.
    • In your notebook, read the notes for lesson 4.1 and complete exercise 1 and 2. The directions and examples are in your notebook. 
    • Complete WB p. 53

    Science: How Plants Live and Grow

    Read p. A8-A11 in your science textbook.

    In your science folder there should be 3 work packets for science. Find the packet for this chapter; it should be the first packet. You should see page number "2" at the bottom of the first page. You will use p. 2 to complete today's work.
    • "How Plants Live and Grow" is under Classwork in google classroom. Please use this file to complete your work.
      • Use your textbook to type the definitions for mineral and carbon dioxide. 
      • Use p. 2 of your packet for the Lesson 1 questions. Please type your answers in complete sentences. 
    *Only complete lesson 1 today; do not go ahead to lesson 2 and 3. You will use the same google doc to complete work on lesson 2 and 3 another day. 

    Religion: Listen to "My Forever Friend." When you are finished, say a prayer for your classmates and for Sister Theresa. I know she misses visiting and singing this song with all of you!

    Art: Please check Mrs. Viggiano's blog for your assignment.

      All finished and looking for more..?

      Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
      IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

      Read a book of your choice!

      Take a "virtual" field trip!

      Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

      Image result for work hard have fun

      Remind Class Code: b7hcce
      Scholastic Code: PQYZH

      Love and Prayers,

      Ms. Muller

      Day 114