Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Day 150 - Home Instruction

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April 30th

Join our google meet at 10am!
  • Science - How Plants Live and Grow Study Guide
  • Grammar - Lesson 4.5
  • Math - Chapter 7 Quiz - I will be going over what your quiz is. 
Work to be checked: (Optional)
  • Grammar - WB p. 59
  • Spelling - WB p. 190-191
  • Phonics - WB p. 169-170

I will have an office hour on Google Meet from 1-2pm for Math.
*I cannot do the math quiz with you, but I can answer questions like I would in the classroom.*

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 152-153. We are skipping some pages, so double check that you are on p. 152 before you begin. These pages will have you practicing how quickly you can write in cursive. You will copy the saying 4 times. Try to write faster each time, but remember to keep your writing neat too! Complete the "My Evaluation" at the bottom of p. 153. Have a parent evaluate you in the second column.

Phonics: WB p. 171-172

Spelling: Unit 29 2x each. Please type your words 2x each in a google doc and share it with me. We will have our spelling test tomorrow on our meet.

*Please turn off spell check BEFORE our meet tomorrow. Directions to turn off spell check have been posted in google classroom. Students may turn spell check back on after the test. 

Math: Chapter 7 Quiz - We will go over the directions for the quiz on our meet.

***Update: The quiz paper is posted as a separate file on google classroom. You will need to view this file to see the questions.

Use "Math Chapter 7 Quiz" on google classroom to fill out the form and submit your quiz.

*You can only submit one quiz, so complete your quiz on the paper first so you are sure of your answers.

Reading: Finish the chapter 6-7 pages for Charlotte's Web on google classroom. The page numbers at the bottom are 10-12 (the slides are numbered 11-13.) This work is due by the end of the day. 
  • For the last page, you can use your chromebook to look up the definitions, 1 synonym, and 1 antonym for each word. 
    • Synonyms - similar or almost the same meaning 
    • Antonym - opposite meaning 

Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

Lesson 4.5 - Regular and Irregular Verbs
  • Complete WB p. 60

Science: How Plants Live and Grow

We will work on the study guide together on google meet. To prepare for your test, here is a link to the Kahoot I made. This Kahoot will only be available until the end of the day!

*Students will take their science test tomorrow with a google form.

Religion: We will start Chapter 23 on Monday. Check out this link for songs praising Jesus. I think you will enjoy them. We will need to share these with Sister Theresa when we are together again! :)
*You did not need to listen to all of the songs. The link is very long! 

Gym: P.E. with Joe. Joe live streams PE classes every morning Monday - Friday at 9am. This is yesterday's live stream.

All finished and looking for more..?

IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!
Take a "virtual" field trip!
Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 120