Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day 146 - Home Instruction

May we all Florida Georgia Line framed wood sign | Etsy

April 24th

Join our Google Meet at 10am!
We will take our spelling test today!
Please have the M&M graphing sheet ready for after our test. We will start this together. If there is time, we will check some of our work.
  • Google Classroom will now have a Google Meet icon for you to join our session. Under Classwork, there will be a "Meet" button for you to join. This button will be available just a few minutes before our meeting begins. 

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 136-137
  • p. 136 - Copy the book review in cursive. 
  • p. 137 
    • Write the alphabet in cursive. See how many letters you can do without looking back, but of course look back if you need to! 
    • Copy the song titles in cursive. You should include the quotation marks ".  

Spelling: Unit 28 test on google meet. We will consider this test a practice because it will be our first virtual test. The test will be completed with a google form.

Math: Reviewing Pictographs and Bar Graphs
  • M&M Graphing - This worksheet should be in your math folder. Please have it when we meet today. We will start the worksheet together.
*Students will need a ruler by May 4th.

Reading: Finish the chapter 3 pages in the Charlotte's Web Novel Study. The page numbers at the bottom are 4-6 (the slides are numbered 5-7.) This work is due by the end of the day.
  • "Charlotte's Web Novel Study" is a digital file under Classwork on google classroom. Please type your answers for me to check. *You do not need to illustrate the vocabulary words. 

Grammar: ABCya - Play the following verb game.

Science: How Plants Live and Grow
  • In your science packet, complete p. 4 for lesson 2. Use your textbook if you are unsure of an answer. (p. A14-A17)
*If you did not complete the google doc for lesson 2 yesterday, please finish the vocabulary and questions. The file can be found in google classroom.

Religion: Pray one decade of the rosary today.
  • 1 Our Father 
  • 10 Hail Marys 
  • 1 Glory Be
  • 1 Fatima Prayer - "Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins..." 

Spanish: Please check Senora Decker's blog for your assignment.

Computers: Please check Mrs. Hall's blog for your assignment. 
***Children's Book Emoji Pictionary!***
This activity is posted on google classroom. Try to guess all the books! I will post the answers at noon!
Thank you Mrs. Yudoff for sharing this fun activity! :) 

All finished and looking for more..?

Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

Read a book of your choice!

Take a "virtual" field trip!

Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114