Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 145 - Home Instruction

Wallpaper Chrysanthemum and white flowers, blue background ...

April 23rd

Join our Google Meet at 10am!
Please have yesterday's spelling, math, and grammar completed and ready to check. We will also be reading Charlotte's Web together today.
  • Google Classroom will now have a Google Meet icon for you to join our session. Under Classwork, there will be a "Meet" button for you to join. This button will be available just a few minutes before our meeting begins. 

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 134-135. These pages are review and practice of letters G, S, L, P, B, and R. Use the boxes at the top of p. 127-132 if you need a reminder of how to form the letters.

Phonics: WB p. 163-164

Spelling: Unit 28 ABC order. You only have to type each word one time. Please type and send in a google doc. Unit 28 test tomorrow.

*We will have our Unit 28 test tomorrow during our google meet session. We will consider this test a practice because it will be our first virtual test. The test will be completed with a google form. Please let me know if you are unable to make Friday's session.

Math: Chapter 7 - Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots

Lesson 7.2 - Bar Graphs - Watch this video from Khan Academy about reading bar graphs.
  • WB p. 79 
    • When creating your bar graph, count by 2s going up the side of your graph.
    *Students will need a ruler by May 4th.

    Reading: We will read chapter 3 of Charlotte's web together on google meet. Complete the chapter 3 pages in the Charlotte's Web Novel Study. The page numbers at the bottom are 4-6 (the slides are numbered 5-7.) This work will be due by the end of the day tomorrow. You do not need to finish the pages today.
    • "Charlotte's Web Novel Study" is a digital file under Classwork on google classroom. Please type your answers for me to check. *You do not need to illustrate the vocabulary words. 
    * I checked and commented on the chapter 1-2 pages. 

    Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

    Lesson 4.3 Helping Verbs - Notes for this chapter can be found in your notebook.
    • Finish exercises 1 and 2 in your notebook.  
    • Complete WB p. 56

    Science: How Plants Live and Grow

    Read p. A14-A17 in your science textbook.

    You will need p. 2 (the first page) from your science packet for your assignment.
    • "How Plants Live and Grow" is under Classwork in google classroom. Please use this file to complete your work.
      • Use your textbook to type the definitions for petal, pollen, and pollinate. 
      • Use p. 2 of your packet for the Lesson 2 questions. Please type your answers in complete sentences. 
    *I returned and commented on the Earth Day assignments. If you need to finish slides, please do that today. 

    Religion: Complete p. 312. For the disciple challenge at the bottom, they are asking about the story you read on pages 308 and 309. You do not need to complete the "Take Home"section.

    Gym: P.E. with Joe. Joe live streams PE classes every morning Monday - Friday at 9am. This is yesterday's live stream.

    All finished and looking for more..?

    Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
    IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

    Read a book of your choice!

    Take a "virtual" field trip!

    Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

    Image result for work hard have fun

    Remind Class Code: b7hcce
    Scholastic Code: PQYZH

    Love and Prayers,

    Ms. Muller

    Day 114