Monday, April 20, 2020

Day 143 - Home Instruction

The Paw Print | April Showers

April 21st

Join our Google Meet at 10am!
Please have yesterday's phonics, spelling, math, and grammar completed and ready to check. 
  • Google Classroom will now have a Google Meet icon for you to join our session. Under Classwork, there will be a "Meet" button for you to join. This button will be available just a few minutes before our meeting begins. 

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Handwriting: WB p. 130-131

Phonics: WB p. 159-160

Spelling: Unit 28 WB p. 182-183

Math: Chapter 7 - Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots

Lesson 7.1 - Pictographs
  • WB p. 78 
    • For #2 - Make sure to include a title at the top! Use the information from #1 to make a title. 
      • For your key, you can use any picture, but it has to equal 2 balloons. For example:
        • ❤ = 2 balloons 
        • 😀 = 2 balloons
*Students will need a ruler by May 4th. 

Reading: Finish chapters 1-2 of Charlotte's Web. Finish p. 2-4 in the Charlotte's Web Novel Study. This work is due by the end of the day.
  • "Charlotte's Web Novel Study" is a digital file under Classwork on google classroom. Please type your answers for me to check. *You do not need to illustrate the vocabulary words. 

Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

Lesson 4.2 Being Verbs - Notes for this chapter can be found in your notebook.
  • In your notebook, read the notes for lesson 4.2 and complete exercise 1 and 2. The directions and examples are in your notebook. 
  • Complete WB p. 54

Science: How Plants Live and Grow

  • In your science packet, complete p. 3 for lesson 1. Use your textbook if you are unsure of an answer. (p. A8-A11)
*If you did not complete the google doc for lesson 1 yesterday, please finish the vocabulary and questions. The file can be found in google classroom. 

Religion: We continue to celebrate the Easter season for 50 days after Jesus' Resurrection. In your religion book, read p. 307 -309.

*We will be going back to the skipped chapters next week.

Music: Did you have a chance to watch "The Disney Family Singalong" on ABC last week? It was great! I really enjoyed it. :) Here is a playlist of the videos if you missed it or want to watch them again!

All finished and looking for more..?

Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

Read a book of your choice!

Take a "virtual" field trip!

Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114