Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Day 131 - Home Instruction

March 26th

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Phonics: WB p. 153-154. These two pages are review of what you have been working on this week.

Spelling: Unit 25 practice. Have someone at home give you a practice test with your spelling words. You can choose to write them down or just spell them out loud!

*Unit 25 ABC Order and 10 sentences need to be shared if you have not already done so.

Math: Lesson 12.11 - WB p. 154. I created a video for today's lesson. Please have your workbook and a piece of scrap paper ready before you start the video.
Complete #3, 4, and 6 on your own. 

*March math packets will be collected when we return. Students who have not finished should continue working on it at home.

Reading: Read chapter 12 of Mr. Popper's Penguins. Complete "Understanding the Story" Chapters 10-12 (front and back) in the Novel Study Packet

Grammar/Writing: "My Writing Journal" - "If you could change one thing about your school..." You can only change ONE thing! Please answer this journal with 5-7 sentences in paragraph form. Color the border when you are finished.
  • Before school was closed, we were working on the writing unit for chapter 3. We will continue working on writing again this week at home. We usually spend about 2-3 weeks on each writing unit. We will be starting a new Grammar unit soon.

Science: Scholastic News - "Escape from Pompeii" Read and complete this magazine before the weekend.

Social Studies: IXL - Please use IXL Social Studies for at least 20 minutes today. I will be checking to see who completes the 20 minutes.
  • Go to Learning, and then click the "Social Studies" tab on the top.
  • Topics about "The West" have been added.
If you did not complete the reading yesterday, please login to Epic! to read "The West."

Religion: Continue researching your saint and finish your poster.

*This project should be completed before the weekend.

Please include the following:
  • Your saint's name
  • A picture of your saint - hand drawn or printed
  • What they are the patron saint of
  • Where they are from
  • What is their feast day? 
  • Interesting facts that you find about your saint

Gym: Try these "5 Minute Move" videos for a different exercise today. These videos are part of a series that Joe does just for kids! He also live streams PE classes!
You can always check out more GoNoodle too!

All finished and looking for more..?

Take a ride on Disney's Frozen Ever After ride!
Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

Read a book of your choice!

Take a "virtual" field trip!

Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

Image result for work hard have fun

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114