Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Day 130 - Home Instruction

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March 25th

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!


Phonics: WB p. 151-152. Remember to use the "Here's a Hint!" boxes to help you.

Spelling: Unit 25 WB p. 166-167. Choose 10 spelling words, and write 10 sentences in a google doc. Use the word list on p. 162. Share your sentences with me by the end of the day.

*8 students did not share the ABC order yesterday. Please make sure to share your ABC order with your sentences today to receive credit.

Math: Lesson 12.10 - WB p. 153. Today's lesson is very similar to Lesson 12.6 from last week.  Please use your notes and "mini" packet to assist you on this lesson. The top of the workbook page also has examples for the lesson.
  • Here is the video I posted last week. Your problems today will use money, but the steps to solve are still the same. Once again, the numerators on your problems will all be 1 which makes it a little easier for you. (Any number times 1 is that number!)
    *March math packets will be collected when we return. Students who have not finished should continue working on it at home.

    Reading: Read chapters 10-11 of Mr. Popper's Penguins.

    Grammar/Writing: "My Writing Journal" - "Where do you see yourself in the future?" Please answer this journal with 5-7 sentences in paragraph form. Color the border when you are finished.
    • Before school was closed, we were working on the writing unit for chapter 3. We will continue working on writing again this week at home. We usually spend about 2-3 weeks on each writing unit. We will be starting a new Grammar unit soon.

    Science: Mystery Science - Watch the video "How does hand sanitizer kill germs?" As you watch, take time to think about the questions just like we do in class.
    When you are finished, choose one more 3rd grade lesson to watch and think about. Remember, you are not required to do the hands-on activities.

    Social Studies: "The West" - Please login to Epic! to complete the assigned book about the West region of the United States.
    • Please take your time reading. The program keeps track of how long you read each story. I am able to see if you are just flipping pages. 
    *If you did not read "What Are the US Regions" on Epic! yesterday, please read today.

    Religion: Pope Francis has written a special prayer to the Blessed Mother asking for her intercession for the whole world as we all weather the terrible Corona Virus together. Use this link to say the prayer together as a family today. You can print and download the coloring page if you'd like to color and hang it.

    Continue researching your saint. You can use the link below to choose any saint, or you can choose a different saint from another site. Use a google doc to record any information you find about your saint. When you are finished, complete the "All About Saint" poster that is in your blue folder. Add some color to decorate your poster! We will share our posters when we return.

    *This project should be completed throughout the week. Please do not try to get it all done in one day!

    Please include the following:
    • Your saint's name
    • A picture of your saint - hand drawn or printed
    • What they are the patron saint of
    • Where they are from
    • What is their feast day? 
    • Interesting facts that you find about your saint

    Gym: Here are some of our favorite GoNoodles. Click the song name to take you to the video. 

    All finished and looking for more..?

    Take a ride on Disney's Frozen Ever After ride!
    Do you love Legos? Check out "30 Days of Lego Play!"
    IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

    Read a book of your choice!

    Take a "virtual" field trip!

    Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

    Image result for work hard have fun

    Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
    Remind Class Code: b7hcce
    Scholastic Code: PQYZH

    Love and Prayers,

    Ms. Muller

    Day 114