Sunday, March 22, 2020

Day 128 - Home Instruction

Image result for monday start fresh images

March 23rd

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Phonics: WB p. 147-148. Remember to use the "Here's a Hint!" boxes to help you.

Spelling: Unit 25 WB p. 162-163
  • Some students did not send their 3x each from Unit 24. Please send that to me today. 

Math: Lesson 12.8 - WB p. 151

Add fractions with like denominators:
*Some students did not complete the 30 minutes of IXL that was assigned on Friday. Please login to complete your 30 minutes by the end of the day.
    *March math packets will be collected when we return. Students who have not finished should continue working on it at home.

    Reading: Read chapters 7-8 of Mr. Popper's Penguins

    Grammar/Writing: "My Writing Journal" - "Why is it important to find humor in your life?" Please answer this journal with 5-7 sentences in paragraph form. Color the border when you are finished.
    • Before school was closed, we were working on the writing unit for chapter 3. We will continue working on writing again this week at home. We usually spend about 2-3 weeks on each writing unit. We will be starting a new Grammar unit soon.

    Science: Scholastic News - "Are Aliens Real?" Read and complete by Wednesday.

    Social Studies: IXL - Other subjects have now been added to IXL. Please use IXL Social Studies for at least 20 minutes today. I will be checking to see who completes the 20 minutes. I have selected certain lessons for you to work on in Social Studies.
    • Go to Learning, and then click the "Social Studies" tab on the top.
    • Topics with a yellow star are what you should be practicing today. I have selected topics form category "A. Geography." 

    Religion: Stations of the Cross. Please watch the following children's video. 

    Art: Please check Mrs Viggiano's blog for an assignment. 

    All finished and looking for more..?

    IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!

    Read a book of your choice!

    Take a "virtual" field trip!

    Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

    Image result for work hard have fun

    Remind Class Code: b7hcce
    Scholastic Code: PQYZH

    Love and Prayers,

    Ms. Muller

    Day 114