March 20th
We've made it through week 1 of home instruction!
Keep up the great work 3rd graders. I am so proud of you!
I miss you all, and I can't wait to see you soon!
Have a great weekend!
Please submit your attendance for the day.
Thank you!
Spelling: There will be no test for Unit 24. Please finish the 3x each of your review words, and send it to me when you are finished.
- If using a google doc, there should be a share button in the top right corner.
- Go to Learning, and then click the "Math" tab on the top, next to recommendations.
- Topics with a yellow star are what you should be practicing today.
Reading: "A Fraction's Goal - Parts of a Whole" - I am trying a new program that we can use for reading and other subjects. Please login to Epic! with our class code. I have assigned a fractions book for reading today. I will be checking that you have read the story.
- Parents, you should have received an email for free remote access.
- Class code: bdl8606
*We will continue with Mr. Popper's Penguins on Monday.
Grammar/Writing: Use a google doc to tell me all about your week! Try for at least 8-10 sentences, and make sure to type them in a paragraph. Add a picture of yourself or a picture from google that shows how your week went. Share it to my email when you are done, so I can read them this weekend!
Our classroom password is: sts3rdgrade
Spanish: Please watch the following videos to review the Spanish alphabet and some vocabulary. Play some Spanish games when you are finished reviewing!
- Spanish Alphabet
- Spanish Vocabulary
- Games
Computers: Visit Mrs. Hall's blog for sites you use in computer class.
All finished and looking for more..?
It's Friday! Reward yourself for getting through our first week of home instruction! Play some educational games when all of your work is complete.
Mrs. Viggiano has updated the art blog with more activity ideas.
Read a book of your choice!
Take a "virtual" field trip!
Scholastic "Learn at Home"
Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZHLove and Prayers,
Ms. Muller