Monday, May 4, 2020

Day 153 - Home Instruction

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May 5th

Join our google meet at 10am!
  • Religion - We will read and discuss together. 
  • Science - We will complete the worksheet together. 
Work to be checked: (Optional)
  • Spelling - WB p. 192-193
  • Grammar - Lesson 4.6 exercise and WB p. 61

I will have an office hour on Google Meet from 1-2pm today for Language Arts. 
(Phonics, Spelling, Reading, Grammar)

Please submit your attendance for the day. 
Thank you!

Phonics: WB p.175-176

Spelling: Unit 30 Review - WB p. 194-195

Math: Chapter 8 - Inches, Liters, Grams, and Time
  • Complete WB p. 92 #1-2, 3, 6, 10-11, 13-15
  • In google classroom, I posted a video for your assignment today. The video is under classwork - "Math Lesson 8.1"
    • Please let me know if you can't open it. It was too big of a file for the blog. 
    *Parents, measurement is very difficult to teach through a computer screen, so I will need your help this week. Thank you! 

    Reading: Finish reading chapters 8-9 in Charlotte's Web. Finish the chapter 8-9 pages on google classroom. The page numbers at the bottom are 13-15 (the slides are numbered 14-16.) This work is due by the end of the day tomorrow.

    Grammar: Chapter 4 - Verbs

    Lesson 4.7 - Eat, Go, and See
    • Read the notes for this lesson and complete exercise 1. Both are in your grammar notebook.
    • Complete WB p. 62

    Science: How Animals Grow and Change
    • In your science packet, complete p. 15 for lesson 1. Use your textbook if you are unsure of an answer. (p. A32-A35). 

    Religion: Chapter 23
    • Read p. 262-263

    Sterling Hill Mine: This week we were supposed to go on our field trip to the Sterling Hill Mine. I will post videos all week so we can virtually see the mine! Thank you Mrs. Shivas!

    Music: Check out NTV - Noodle Television on Go Noodle! Dance and sing along!

    All finished and looking for more..?

    IXL has added some new subjects to your accounts!
    Take a "virtual" field trip!
    Scholastic "Learn at Home" 

    Image result for work hard have fun

    Remind Class Code: b7hcce
    Scholastic Code: PQYZH

    Love and Prayers,

    Ms. Muller

    Day 115