Friday, August 30, 2024

Day 3

We had a wonderful first week of school! 

Our class is doing such a fantastic job following new rules and procedures. Keep up the great work 3rd grade!

Chromebooks were sent home today. Please leave the chargers at home. Chromebooks will go home every night and must come back to school charged every day. We do not have chargers in the classroom.

Pizza $ due Wednesday. 

Orders will be for the whole marking period. No weekly orders will be accepted.

Back to School Night is on Thursday!

*Parents please join the remind app if you have not done so already! Our remind code is 8a89ega

No School on Monday - Labor Day


Art: Please make sure to bring in a sketchbook by Monday, September 9th.

Music: Students should have a folder. 

Computers: Please make sure to bring in headphones for computer class. 

Spanish: Students should have a folder. 

*Please bring in any other classroom supplies that your child may have forgotten. Thank you!

Remind Class Code: 8a89ega
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114