Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Day 116

Pizza $ due tomorrow!

Dress Down Day on Friday
Students should wear "Dark Blue" (Fr. Jun's favorite color) WITH a donation, on Friday. The donations will be given to Fr. Jun for his family, as they rebuild. 

Rockin' Recorder Forms are due Friday! 
This program takes place on Fridays at 1:00, during school.
Students who are not participating will work on supplemental math on IXL. 

 7 Challenge Friday!
Earn your drink!
*Students must pass the 10s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 6s before moving on to the 7s.*

Sterling Hill Mining Museum Field Trip
Permission Slips and Chaperone Forms are due March 22nd. 


Spelling: Unit 11 Choice Board / Unit 11 Test on Friday

Math: WB p. 132 / Practice your multiplication facts for 10 minutes.

Reading: Packet p. 26 / Rocks in His Head Test on Friday

Science: Energy in Your World Test tomorrow

Grammar: Chapter 2 Test on Tuesday / Study packets went home today. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Remind Class Code: 8h89baf
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114