Friday, January 26, 2024

Day 91


Catholic Schools Week
Monday - Celebrate Our Community
Please wear blue, and bring in a monetary donation for The Troopers United Foundation.

Tuesday - Celebrate Our Faculty, Staff, and Vocations
Please fill your Shoprite bag for Roxbury Social Services.
Mr. Dunnigan has a SUPER suprise if we fill 100 bags!

Wednesday - Celebrate Our Students
Students may dress down in the new CSW24 t-shirt. Students who did not purchase the shirt must be in uniform.

Thursday - Celebrate Our Nation!
Please wear read, white, and blue, and bring in a monetary donation for the Tunnel to Towers.

Friday - Celebrate Our Volunteers and Graduates!
First Friday Mass
Ring and Pin Ceremony for the Class of 2024

10 Challenge Friday!
Earn your movie ticket!
*Students must pass the 5s before moving on to the 10s.*

Teaching Touching Safety Opt-Out Form
*Please sign and return only if you DO NOT want your child to participate in the lesson.*

Grades 3-5 Soccer Clinic
*A note must be sent in to attend.*
Thursdays 2:30-3:30


Math: Practice your multiplication facts for 10 minutes. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Remind Class Code: 8h89baf
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 94