Thursday, November 2, 2023

Day 43

Winter Uniforms begin on Monday!

Winter Uniform for Boys

Charcoal gray flannel trousers and belt with maroon turtleneck or maroon banded polo shirt (no belt if wearing banded shirt)

Winter Uniform for Girls

Maroon plaid jumper with pink peter-pan collared blouse, maroon cardigan or V-neck sweater OR gray twill pants with long-sleeved maroon banded polo shirt/maroon turtleneck

Winter Gym Uniform

Maroon or gray sweatshirt and sweatpants must be worn with the gym uniform

Clubs for the Week
Nature Club - Thursday


Vocabulary: Unit 4 Test tomorrow

Reading: A Day's Work Test tomorrow

*Charge your chromebook.

Remind Class Code: 8h89baf
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114