Monday, January 30, 2023

Day 96

Catholic Schools Week

Tuesday - Celebrate Our Faculty, Staff, and Vocations
Please bring in a non-perishable donation for Roxbury Social Services.

Wednesday - Celebrate Our Students
Students may dress down in the new CSW23 t-shirt. Students who did not purchase the shirt must be in uniform.

Thursday - Celebrate Our Nation!
Please wear read, white, and blue, and bring in a monetary donation for the Wounded Warrior Project.

Friday - Celebrate Our Volunteers and Graduates!
First Friday Mass
Ring and Pin Ceremony for the Class of 2023 

5 Challenge Friday!

Spelling: Unit 20 tic-tac-toe

Math: WB p. 69 / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: There is no story this week. We are completing our Unit 3 Benchmarks. 

Grammar: Chapter 2 Test on Thursday

Religion: Chapter 10 Test on Wednesday

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Day 115