Thursday, March 10, 2022

Day 117

A Baked Potato Lunch is being offered on 3/17.
Order Forms are due tomorrow!

Rockin' Recorder forms are due tomorrow!

Tag Day tomorrow!
Please bring in an item for 11th Hour Rescue.

7 Challenge tomorrow!
*Students must pass the 2s, 3s, 4s, 6s before moving on to the 7s.*

Our class is going to Waterloo Village for a field trip on Friday, June 10th!
In order for us to get a head count for planning, Chaperone Forms and Permission slips are due next Friday.


Spelling: Unit 25 Test tomorrow

Math: Worksheet / Practice your multiplication facts for 10 minutes.  

Reading: Fly, Eagle, Fly Test tomorrow

Religion: There is no test this week. We are completing a mini chapter all about Lent. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114