Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Day 38

Thank you Mr. and Mrs. McKenna for a wonderful Halloween celebration today!

Today we had a visit from the Roxbury Rotary Club. Thank you for our new dictionaries!

The STS Halloween Parade is on Friday at 1:30. All parents are welcome to attend. Students may wear costumes to school. 

*Please send a note if you plan to take your child after the parade.


Spelling: Unit 8 Test tomorrow

Math: Worksheet - We will begin Chapter 3 next week, 

Reading: Penguin Chick Test tomorrow

Grammar: Chapter 1 Test tomorrow - Please review your study packets. The test is very similar. The following link is the Sink or Sail review game we played in class. Play it again if you'd like! 
Religion: Chapter 5 Test tomorrow

*Charge your chromebook.

Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114