Thursday, February 18, 2021

Day 101 - Remote Instruction

2 Challenge tomorrow!

*Students must pass the 10s before moving on to the 2s.*

Pizza Friday - $3


Remote snow day!

Remote Lessons to be completed today:

Spelling: WB p. 141-143   Unit 21 test tomorrow

Math: Lesson 6.15 Guess and Test   WB p. 76 #2, 4, 6, 8
  • *The textbook page for this lesson is posted in google classroom for reference. 

Reading: Listen to Rocks in His Head and play Kahoot!   Rocks in His Head test tomorrow
  • *The textbook pages for the story are posted in google classroom   

Religion: Chapter 20 - Lent - p. 233-234

Social Studies: Read and discuss Chapter 4, Lesson 3 - WB p. 27
  • *The textbook pages are posted in google classroom.

100th Day: "100 Year Old Me" - Imagine that you are 100 years old. Write a paragraph telling us all about your life and accomplishments. 
  • The "100 Year Old Me" file is in google classroom. 

Future Remote Days

  • All remote days will begin at 8:00am with morning prayers.
  • Students should join Google Meet in my Google Classroom.

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Day 114