Sunday, January 10, 2021

Remote Instruction

Remote Learning begins tomorrow!

  • Our remote days will begin at 8:00am with morning prayers. Students should wear any STS shirt to our meetings. 
  • Students should join Google Meet in my Google Classroom. Under the "Classwork" tab, students will see a "Meet" video camera button. This is where they will join; there is no code. 

  • Students should have all school materials close by so they are ready for the day's lessons. 
  • We will take short screen breaks when needed and break for snack mid-morning.
  • Students will break for lunch at 12:00, and "Specials" will post assignments or meet with students in the afternoon. 
  • All assignments from the remote session will be posted on the blog after our session. Students can check the blog in the afternoon to catch up on any missed work.

  • I will have office hours daily from 12 - 2 if you have any questions. 


*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Day 114