Friday, January 15, 2021

Day 82 - Remote Instruction

No School on Monday!

Students will meet with Mrs. Hall at 1:00 and Señora Decker at 1:30 this afternoon.

Computers: Computer class is at 1:00 today. Join Mrs. Hall's Google Meet in your "Grade 3 Computer Class" Google Classroom. Check Mrs. Hall's blog for more information. 
Spanish: Spanish class is at 1:30 today. Join Señora Decker's Google Meet in our regular "Grade 3" Google Classroom. Check Señora Decker's blog for more information. 

Remote Lessons that were completed today.

Handwriting: WB p. 92-93

Phonics: WB p. 93-94

Spelling: Unit 17 Test

Math: Lesson 5.5 - Divide by 4   WB p. 56

Reading: Volcanoes Test

Religion: Chapter 11 Test

Science: Energy in Your World - Lesson 2 Worksheet

*Test grades from today will be posted in Google Classroom.*

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Day 114