Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Day 178 - Home Instruction

Missing our Luau today!


June 10th

Please check google classroom for a letter regarding the scheduled pickup and return dates. 

Join our google meet at 10am!

Google Meet Schedule for the Last Week

Wednesday - Journals and Snack/Memory Books
Thursday - Snack/Memory Books
Friday - Closing Mass 9am / Final Goodbye 10am

    Please submit your attendance for the day. 
    Thank you!

    Spelling: Unit 35 WB p. 226-227

    Math: IXL Review - 20 minutes
    • Under the Learning tab, go to Third Grade Math. 
      • Choose at least one topic from each to review. 
        • E. Understand Multiplication
        • F. Multiplication Skill Builders
        • G. Multiplication Fluency 
        • H. Multiplication 

    Reading: Spend 20 minutes reading today. Find a cozy spot and a good book. Your book can be a book from home or something you read on Epic!
    • Epic!
      • Please make sure to select your name! 
      • Class code: bdl8606

    Writing: "What About Break Are You Most Looking Forward To?" This assignment is posted in google classroom.
    • This journal should be 5-10 sentences. Please type your sentences in a paragraph.

    Science: Watch the latest Mystery Science video! 

    Social Studies: Scholastic News - "Top of Her Game"- You DO NOT have this magazine at home. Read or listen along to the magazine online. To listen, open the presentation view of the magazine. Watch the videos when you're done reading!

    Our classroom password is: sts3rdgrade

    Art: Mrs. Viggiano has posted several art links that you can visit throughout the summer. 

    Gym: Check out the blog to see Max featured for the Minute to Win It - Cup Stacking Challenge! Way to go Max :) 
    Spanish: Please check Senora Decker's blog.

    A message from Mr. Dunnigan

    "This letter has been only sent out to the parishioners of St. Therese from Fr. Rick Kilcomons, pastor of St. Therese parish and school. Please know that our enrollment is healthy for next year, and we are planning to open in September. Please [read the letter] take this very short survey and respond [comment on the survey].
    In Christ, Tim Dunnigan" 

    Survey (also within letter): 

    Image result for work hard have fun

    Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
    Remind Class Code: b7hcce
    Scholastic Code: PQYZH

    Love and Prayers,

    Ms. Muller

    Day 114