Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Day 90

Image result for come to our wax museum

Catholic Schools Week

#CSW1920 Open House 
Donations for Roxbury Social Services
STS Wax Museum - 1 pm

Flag Raising and Prayer Service - 9am
Wear America
Monetary donations for the Wounded Warrior Project
Volleyball Tournament - 1pm

Volunteer Recognition Mass - 11am

Image result for catholic schools week 2020

5 fact challenge on Friday!
*Students must pass the 5 challenge to move on to the 10s*

There is no drama club tomorrow!

3rd Grade hosts First Friday Mass on February 7th! 


Spelling: Unit 18 test on Friday. This is review unit - no tic-tac-toe. 

Math: We will be completing chapter 6 in class this week. We move through this chapter very quickly. It is a review of multiplication/division and the practice of 6-12 facts!

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 94