Monday, January 6, 2020

Day 75

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A letter about our "Multiplication Challenge" was sent home today. Please sign and return the bottom portion by Friday!

Wax Museum book report and poster packets were sent home today! Projects are due on Monday, January 27th. 

Tag Day on Friday - $1 - Superhero Day


Spelling: Unit 15 tic-tac-toe. Unit 15 test on Friday.

Math: WB p. 52    Practice multiplication facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 124

Grammar: We will begin writing our How-to Articles in class. Information about presentations will be sent home when we have finished all stages of the writing process.

Social Studies: Wax Museum book report and poster packets were sent home today! Projects are due on Monday, January 27th.

Remind Class Code: b7hcce
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114