Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Day 154

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The last day to take a challenge is on Friday!
Keep practicing your facts! 

Our Multiplication Movie Celebration is on Monday! 
If you have earned the tag day, you may dress down!

Class-themed Tag Day on Friday! $1 
(This is included in the yearly tag days!)

Our Spring Concert is on Friday at 7pm! 

Our last day of school is on Friday, June 14th!


Spelling: Unit 30 test on Friday

Math: WB p. 105

Reading: There is no test for this week's story!

Grammar: WB p. 63

Religion: Chapter 19 test on Friday

*Reading Log - Please read for 10 minutes.*

Remind Class Code: 4acc36
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 76