Monday, March 11, 2019

Day 118

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The 3/15 Tag Day has been moved to 3/19!

Baked Potato Sale deadline has been extended to tomorrow!

We are now starting CURSIVE! Students have been working on handwriting all year, but now they will be required to write in cursive on all notes and assignments! This includes homework!

6s Challenge on Friday!
(Students must pass the 4s before taking the 6s.)


Spelling: Unit 23 tic-tac-toe. (No "Word Search" for this unit) Unit 23 test Friday.

Math:  Worksheet  Please continue to practice your multiplication facts!

Reading: WB p. 104

*Reading Log - Read for 10 minutes each night.*

Remind Class Code: 4acc36
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114