Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Day 102

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No School on Monday, February 18th!

Tag Day on Friday - $1 - Valentine's Day/ Crazy Hair, Hat, and Socks
(This is one of the monthly themed tag days for 8th grade. Some students have already paid for the year!)

2s Challenge on Friday!
(Any student who did not pass the 10s challenge will retake the 10s next week when they are ready or on Friday.)

Rockin' Recorders will begin for 3rd Graders on Friday! If your child would like to participate, please sign and return the permission slip with payment! Thank you!


Spelling: Unit 20 tic-tac-toe. Unit 20 test Friday.

Math: Chapter 10 test on Friday!  Please continue to practice your multiplication facts!

Grammar: WB p. 43

*Reading Log - Please read for 10 minutes each night.*

Remind Class Code: 4acc36
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and prayers, 
Ms. Muller

Day 114