Monday, February 27, 2023

Day 115

3rd Grade will host the March First Friday Mass on Friday at 8:45am!

Spring Clubs
Registration due Friday!
4 Challenge Friday!
*Earn your popcorn!*
*Students must pass the 2s and 3s before moving on to the 4s.*


Spelling: Unit 24 Test on THURSDAY

Math Worksheet / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 34 / Gertrude Ederle Test on THURSDAY

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Friday, February 24, 2023

Day 114

3rd Grade will host the March First Friday Mass on Friday, March 3rd!
4 Challenge Friday!
*Earn your popcorn!*
*Students must pass the 2s and 3s before moving on to the 4s.*

Math Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Day 113

3rd Grade will host the March First Friday Mass on Friday, March 3rd!

Field Trip forms are due tomorrow!
3 Challenge Friday!
*Students must pass the 10s and 2s before moving on to the 3s.*

Spelling: Unit 23 Test tomorrow

Math WB p. 133 / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: Rocks in His Head Test tomorrow

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Day 112

3rd Grade will host the March First Friday Mass on Friday, March 3rd!

Pizza $ is due tomorrow!

Field Trip forms are due on Friday!
3 Challenge Friday!
*Students must pass the 10s and 2s before moving on to the 3s.*

Spelling: Unit 23 tic-tac-toe / Unit 23 Test on Friday

Math WB p. 131 / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 26

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Day 111

Pizza $ is due Thursday!

Field Trip forms are due on Friday!
3 Challenge Friday!
*Students must pass the 10s and 2s before moving on to the 3s.*


Spelling: Unit 23 tic-tac-toe

Math WB p. 130 / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 24

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Friday, February 17, 2023

Day 110

3 Challenge Friday!
*Students must pass the 10s and 2s before moving on to the 3s.*

No school Monday - Presidents' Day

Field Trip forms are due on Friday, February 24th.

Math Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Day 109

2 Challenge tomorrow!
*Students must pass the 10s before moving on to the 2s.*

No school Monday - Presidents' Day

Field Trip forms are due on Friday, February 24th.

Spelling: Unit 22 Test tomorrow

Math WB p. 126 / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: Hottest. Coldest Test tomorrow

Grammar: How-to Topics due tomorrow

Religion: Chapter 11 Test tomorrow

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Day 108

Pizza $ is due tomorrow!

2 Challenge Friday!
*Students must pass the 10s before moving on to the 2s.*

No school Monday - Presidents' Day

Field Trip forms are due on Friday, February 24th.

Spelling: Unit 22 tic-tac-toe / Unit 22 Test on Friday

Math WB p. 125 / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 17 / Hottest. Coldest Test on Friday

Grammar: How-to Topics due on Friday 

Religion: Chapter 11 Test on Friday 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Day 107

Pizza $ is due Thursday!

2 Challenge Friday!
*Students must pass the 10s before moving on to the 2s.*

No school Monday - Presidents' Day

Field Trip forms are due on Friday, February 24th.

Math: Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Monday, February 13, 2023

Day 106

Tag Day Tuesday - $1 - Valentine's Day

Please bring your valentines to school tomorrow.

2 Challenge Friday!
*Students must pass the 10s before moving on to the 2s.*

No school Monday - Presidents' Day

Field Trip forms are due on Friday, February 24th.

Spelling: Unit 22 tic-tac-toe

Math: Worksheet / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 14

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Friday, February 10, 2023

Day 105

Tag Day Tuesday - $1 - Valentine's Day

Please bring your valentines to school by Tuesday.
We will pass them out on Tuesday.

2 Challenge Friday!
*Students must pass the 10s before moving on to the 2s.*


Math: Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Day 104

Please sign and return the green report card slip. 
Thank you!

10 Challenge tomorrow!
*Earn your movie ticket!*

Spelling: Unit 21 Test tomorrow

Math: Chapter 6 Test tomorrow / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: Wings Test tomorrow 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Day 103

We are finishing the NWEA test tomorrow. Chromebooks must be charged!

Pizza $ is due Thursday!

Please sign and return the green report card slip by Friday. Thank you!

10 Challenge Friday!
*Earn your movie ticket!*

Spelling: Unit 21 tic-tac-toe / Unit 21 Test on Friday

Math: Chapter 6 Test on Friday / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 6 / Wings Test on Friday

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Day 102

We are taking the NWEA test tomorrow and Thursday. Chromebooks must be charged!

Pizza $ is due Thursday!

Please sign and return the green report card slip by Friday. Thank you!

10 Challenge Friday!
*Earn your movie ticket!*

Spelling: Unit 21 tic-tac-toe

Math: Worksheet / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 3 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Monday, February 6, 2023

Day 101

We are taking the NWEA test on Wednesday and Thursday. Chromebooks must be charged!

10 Challenge Friday!
*Earn your movie ticket!*

Spelling: Unit 21 tic-tac-toe

Math: WB p. 77 / Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: WB p. 4 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Friday, February 3, 2023

Day 100

10 Challenge Friday!

Math: Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Day 99

We will enjoy a cozy of afternoon of reading with our buddies. 
Please bring your favorite book, a blanket, and slippers! 

Catholic Schools Week

Friday - Celebrate Our Volunteers and Graduates!
First Friday Mass
Ring and Pin Ceremony for the Class of 2023 

5 Challenge tomorrow!

Math: Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Day 98

Catholic Schools Week

Thursday - Celebrate Our Nation!
Please wear read, white, and blue, and bring in a monetary donation for the Wounded Warrior Project.

Friday - Celebrate Our Volunteers and Graduates!
First Friday Mass
Ring and Pin Ceremony for the Class of 2023 

Pizza $ is due tomorrow!

5 Challenge Friday!

Spelling: Unit 20 Test tomorrow

Math: Practice your multiplcation facts for 10 minutes. 

Reading: There is no story this week. We are completing our Unit 3 Benchmarks. 

Grammar: Chapter 2 Test tomorrow

*Please charge your chromebook. 

Remind Class Code: f232f2
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,
Ms. Muller    

Day 114