Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Day 59

First Friday Mass - 8:30am


Spelling: Unit 13 tic-tac-toe - December boards will go home next week. You may repeat any activity. 

Math: WB p. 41

Reading: WB p. 93

Music: Please practice your Christmas songs. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Monday, November 29, 2021

Day 58

Tag Day tomorrow!
Please bring in a monetary donation for St. Cecilia, our sister school in Kenya.

First Friday Mass - 8:30am


Spelling: Unit 13 tic-tac-toe - December boards will go home next week. You may repeat any activity. 

Math: WB p. 40 - Try your best! Think about how addition and multiplication work together. We will practice using multipication charts at the end of the week.

Reading: WB p. 94

Music: Please practice your Christmas songs. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Day 57

I am thankful for a class full of eager learners who come in with a smile every single day!

Wishing you and your family a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time together.

Tag Day on Tuesday
Please bring in a monetary donation for St. Cecilia, our sister school in Kenya.


Art: Please bring in oil pastels by Monday if you don't already have them. 

Music: Please practice your Christmas songs. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Day 56

Wednesday is a half day. 
We will dismiss at noon. 
*There will be no aftercare on Wednesday, November 24th.*

There is no school on Thursday and Friday.


Art: Please bring in oil pastels by Monday if you don't already have them. 

Music: Please practice your Christmas songs. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Monday, November 22, 2021

Day 55

Tuesday and Wednesday are half days. 
We will dismiss at noon. 
*There will be no aftercare on Wednesday, November 24th.*

There is no school on Thursday and Friday.


Spelling: Unit 12 is a review unit. There is no tic-tac-toe or test this week. A spelling list went home only so that you can see what words we are reviewing in class this week. 

Math: Chapter 3 Test tomorrow

Reading: There is no story this week. 

Religion: There is no test this week. We are completing a mini chapter all about Advent. 

Art: Please bring in oil pastels by Monday if you don't already have them. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Friday, November 19, 2021

Day 54

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are half days. 
We will dismiss at noon. 
*There will be no aftercare on Wednesday, November 24th.*

There is no school on Thursday and Friday.


Math: Chapter 3 Test on Tuesday

Art: Please bring in oil pastels by Monday if you don't already have them. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Day 53

Please sign and return your yellow Report Card Receipt by tomorrow. Thank you!

Picture Retake Day is tomorrow!

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are half days. 
We will dismiss at noon. 
*There will be no aftercare on Wednesday, November 24th.*

Parent/Teacher Conferences are this week. 
*All conferences will take place on Zoom.*


Spelling: Unit 11 Test tomorrow

Math: Worksheet / Chapter 3 Test on Tuesday

Reading: Tops and Bottoms Test tomorrow

Religion: Chapter 9 Test tomorrow

Art: Please bring in oil pastels by Monday if you don't already have them. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Day 52

Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are half days. 
We will dismiss at noon. 
*There will be no aftercare on Wednesday, November 24th.*

Please sign and return your yellow Report Card Receipt by Friday. Thank you!

Picture Retake Day is on Friday

Parent/Teacher Conferences are this week. 
*All conferences will take place on Zoom.*


Spelling: Unit 11 tic-tac-toe / Unit 11 Test on Friday

Math: WB p. 39 - All work should be done in math notebooks. 

Reading: WB p. 86 / Tops and Bottoms Test on Friday

Grammar: We are continuing to work on our Personal Narratives in class. 

Religion: Chapter 9 Test on Friday

Art: Please bring in oil pastels by Monday if you don't already have them. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Day 51

Please sign and return your yellow Report Card Receipt by Friday. Thank you!

Picture Retake Day is on Friday

Parent/Teacher Conferences are this week. 
*All conferences will take place on Zoom.*


Spelling: Unit 11 tic-tac-toe

Math: WB p. 38 - All work should be done in math notebooks. 

Reading: WB p. 87

Grammar: We are continuing to work on our Personal Narratives in class. 

Art: Please bring in oil pastels by Monday if you don't already have them. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Monday, November 15, 2021

Day 50

Please sign and return your yellow Report Card Receipt by Friday. Thank you!

Picture Retake Day is on Friday

Parent/Teacher Conferences are this week. 
*All conferences will take place on Zoom.*


Spelling: Unit 11 tic-tac-toe

Math: WB p. 37 

Reading: WB p. 84

Art: Please bring in oil pastels by Monday if you don't already have them. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Friday, November 12, 2021

Day 49

There is no school tomorrow in honor of Veterans Day.

Parent/Teacher Conferences begin on Monday. 
*All conferences will take place on Zoom. A reminder with your date, time, and our meeting information was sent home.* 


*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Day 48

Parent/Teacher Conferences begin on Monday. 
*All conferences will take place on Zoom. A reminder with your date, time, and our meeting information was sent home today.* 

There is no school on Friday, November 12th in honor of Veterans Day.


Spelling: Unit 10 Test tomorrow

Math: WB p. 34

Reading: Prudy's Problem Test tomorrow

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Day 47

Please sign up for a parent/teacher conference if you haven't done so already. Thank you!

There is no school on Friday, November 12th in honor of Veterans Day.


Spelling: Unit 10 tic-tac-toe / Unit 10 Test on Thursday

Math: WB p. 33

Reading: WB p. 73 / Prudy's Problem Test on Thursday

Religion: There is no test this week. We will be completing Chapters 6 and 7 which are mini chapters. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Monday, November 8, 2021

Day 46

Please sign up for a parent/teacher conference if you haven't done so already. Thank you!

There is no school on Friday, November 12th in honor of Veterans Day.


Spelling: Unit 10 tic-tac-toe / Unit 10 Test on Thursday

Math: WB p. 32

Reading: WB p. 74 / Prudy's Problem Test on Thursday

Religion: There is no test this week. We will be completing Chapters 6 and 7 which are mini chapters. 

Science: Clouds and Storms Test on tomorrow. *The Clouds and Storms Unit can be found on textbook pages C84-C105.

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Friday, November 5, 2021

Day 45

Please sign up for a parent/teacher conference if you haven't done so already. Thank you!

There is no school on Friday, November 12th in honor of Veterans Day.


Science: Clouds and Storms Test on Tuesday - A study packet was sent home yesterday. We will review more on Monday. *The Clouds and Storms Unit can be found on textbook pages C84-C105.

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Day 44

November Pizza money is now due!

First Friday Mass is tomorrow at 8:30am.

Please sign up for a parent/teacher conference if you haven't done so already. Thank you!


Spelling: Unit 9 Test tomorrow

Math: WB p. 30

Reading:  A Day's Work Test tomorrow

Religion: Chapter 8 Test tomorrow

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Day 43

Dress warm for gym! Classes will be outside.

Please sign up for a parent/teacher conference if you haven't done so already. Thank you!

First Friday Mass - 8:30


Spelling: Unit 9 tic-tac-toe / Unit 9 Test on Friday

Math: WB p. 29

Reading: WB p. 67 / A Day's Work Test on Friday

Grammar: We will be starting our first writing piece in the classroom - Personal Narratives. There will be no grammar homework at this time. 

Religion: Chapter 8 Test on Friday - Our short answer questions went home today to review. 
*We will go back to Chapters 6 and 7 next week.

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Day 42

Dress warm for gym! Classes will be outside.

Please sign up for a parent/teacher conference if you haven't done so already. Thank you!

First Friday Mass - 8:30


Spelling: Unit 9 tic-tac-toe

Math: WB p. 28

Reading: WB p. 63

Grammar: We will be starting our first writing piece in the classroom - Personal Narratives. There will be no grammar homework at this time. 

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Monday, November 1, 2021

Day 41

Please sign up for a parent/teacher conference if you haven't done so already. Thank you!


Spelling: Unit 9 tic-tac-toe

Math: Worksheet

Reading: WB p. 64

*Charge your chromebook.

Email: grade3@stthereseroxbury.org
Remind Class Code: h6fb43
Scholastic Code: PQYZH

Love and Prayers,

Ms. Muller

Day 114